February 23, 2025


Breaking the Silence on Female Reproductive Health

Sexologist, Columnist and Author, Shelly-Ann Weeks encourages women to break the silence and share their pain due to reproductive health issues at the launch of her best-selling, critically acclaimed book, I CHANGED MY DIET AND CHANGED MY LIFE.

I CHANGED MY DIET AND CHANGED MY LIFE details Shelly-Ann’s battle with uterine fibroids and how she was able to – through her diet – shrink her massive fibroids, avoid a hysterectomy, lose over 60lbs, become completely pain free and is now in the best health of her life. This book is Weeks’ first published effort and since its release in July, it has been well received, especially by women who relate to the symptoms Shelly-Ann described in the book.

Faced with the prospect of a hysterectomy and possible early menopause at 34, Weeks’ embarked on a dramatic lifestyle change that led to her cutting rice, flour, sugar, processed foods, dairy and meat from her diet. Now she eats ground provision – yams, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, cassava, etc; fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.
“It’s the best thing I’ve ever done.” Weeks says to describe her decision to make this radical change. “It’s as if I was in the dark and someone turned the lights on. Every day I learn even more how important it is to eat real food.”
In an environment where fast food seems to have replaced the home-cooked meal, it is typically difficult for persons to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Currently 3 of 4 women in Jamaica suffer from uterine fibroids and that number seems to be growing.

Shelly-Ann admits that the lifestyle change was not easy for her to make, especially with all the temptation around her. “At the end of the day, I would have had to adjust – either I live with the repercussions of having a major surgery and the side effects that comes with it or I changed the way I eat and reap the benefits. I’m happy I chose the latter.” an enthusiastic Weeks said with a wide grin on her face.

With great distribution in Jamaica through major book store chains, Sangsters Bookstores and Kingston Bookshops among others, I CHANGED MY DIET AND CHANGED MY LIFE is also distributed in Barbados and online on Amazon. The Barbados Family Planning Association has given its full endorsement of the book and they recommend it to their patients who suffer from uterine fibroids.

I CHANGED MY DIET AND CHANGED MY LIFE was the best-selling book at Carifesta 2017 – a Caribbean Festival held in Barbados in August.